Sunday, January 6, 2008

Straight From the Fanbots Mouth!

Just tooling aroung the usual Blogs (Joystiq:Fanboy Heaven, Xbox360fanboy, ps3fanboy...) when I see a post I found interesting. You see, there's this console war thing going on and apparently XBox (the leading faction) gets the benefit of the doubt despite it's high failure rate. Here's some reasons why... A. It's been out longer, B. People have spent their hard earned money and invested in it's games, C. Users are also deeply vested in its community and easy user interface, D. This community enjoys their industry standard games (circa 2007, who knows what tricks are to come from the the other sides of the war in '08). So naturally upon the release of a competitor, fans of the Xbox criticized the enemy (Playstation 3) out of the gate, and voice their displeasure for a system they have never played... just heard about... from a friend... on the internets... that they've never seen...
Okay so here is the guy's read on the current console wars:

1 comment:

ummfada said...

Heres his quote: "I never intended to discuss game distribution over the gaming networks. Not even a thought in my mind. Framerate issues and memory problems can be worked around via COD4, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, etc...

Even if adding the elite into the equation, it only adds a storage capability. I believe that to the average consumer, built-in wifi and a hd-movie player as a bonus feature, is pretty alluring.

My point is that developers, in time, always find ways to maximize hardware capability. The PS3 has greater hardware capability than the Xbox 360, right? I simply believe that developers will find directions to take the PS3 directions the 360 can't go.

Hey, I just invested in my 360 about 2 days before the 40GB PS3 hit stores. Do you know why? I like it. After playing it, I LOVE IT. I want it to remain the dominant American force it is. I just think that eventually the market share will become more evenly dispersed and our beloved system won't be able to produce similar game quality. Love it, hate it, it's just an opinion."